
ASN Fans Insider 7

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The Next ASN Fan Preview Starts...

Champions Face off

Surviving Mann: All-Stars Ep. 2

Surviving Mann Season 1 thrilled with challenges, adventure, and good old-fashioned American determination.

The challenges have only gotten started. In episode two, the teams must go beyond their limits to come out on top. From the brutal Blah line to building their own shelters with only a small ax, it’s a battle for scoring points and survival that’ll test these elite competitors like never before.

Missed Surviving Mann? Watch all of Season 1 here.

If you're seeing this instead of the video, please log in to your account or register as an ASE Fan for free to watch to your heart's content!    

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If you're seeing this instead of the video, please log in to your account or register as an ASE Fan for free to watch to your heart's content!    

If you are already logged in, just refresh this page when the timer hits zero and the preview will be here. Enjoy!

The Race To The Next Level

Surviving Mann: All-Stars Ep. 3

After a grueling night braving the elements, the second half of the challenge continues. The All-Stars and Space Cowboys are pushed to the limit when they are tasked with fabricating their own survival structures. Then, catastrophe strikes on the rope climbs, a timber hitch tests the group’s endurance and the day finishes off with Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children’s Stress Course. Will the All-Stars make it through? Only time will tell.