Outdoor Pro Gear - Lighthouse Beacon 1000 Headlamp
ASE Sponsor Spotlight

Veteran Owned & Staffed
We aren’t just another outdoor gear manufacturer. We don’t sit behind mahogany desks in a fancy high-rise office in the big city. Our office is the great outdoors.
We are farmers. We are fishermen and hunters. We run 5ks, marathons and rustic trails through woods and along sandy beaches. We like to breathe the fresh air as it rolls off the ocean and tousles our hair. The warmth of the sun and a cool spot in the shade beats heating and air conditioning any day. Watching a new batch of wood ducks leaving their nest or a fawn taking it’s first steps is better than anything you’ll ever see on TV. These are the things that inspire us; they breathe life into us; they are part of us. They are us.
So you see… we don’t just make outdoor gear. We use it. We know it. We live it and we love it.
We are Outdoor Pro Gear. Count on us to light your way.
Outdoor Pro Gear

The Lighthouse Beacon 1000 Headlamp
-German engineered Osram P8 LED emits up to 9500 Lux of light.
-3 brightness setting – High, Medium & Low.
-Zoom lens allows you to zoom in or go wide.
-Lens tilts up and down.
-3 adjustable straps for a perfect and comfortable fit.
-Waterproof rating of IP44.
-Lasts up to 12 hours on high and 33 hours on low.
-Uses 3-AA batteries. (Included)