No Huddle Life
WARNING: Angling for Trout can Become an Obsession!
I’ve long dreamt of learning fly fishing. While I’ve tried it before on my own (pretty much a disaster—watch the video for the story) this was the first time I had proper instruction. Master guide Jack Bruner of Colorado Wilderness Rides and Guides was a godsend.
While this isn’t really a “how-to” video (although there are some basics, like casting techniques, and other tips and tricks from our expert) this episode is about the first-time experience of becoming one with the trout.
My wife Julie and I moved to Boulder, Colorado about a year ago. Not only does Boulder have some of the greatest hiking in the world, but literally a mile or so up Boulder Canyon Drive you can throw your line out and actually catch fish! And with some of the most breathtaking mountain scenery you’re ever going to see.
This sport is zen. There’s something magical about it. And now I’m “hooked”! So unless you want a new burning passion in life, don’t try fly fishing! But if you do, my highest recommendation is to hire a guide for at least a half day to get you started. It’ll make all the difference in the world.
I can barely think about anything else now, other than getting back out there. So, be on the lookout for many more fishing adventures on No Huddle Life.